How Immunotherapy Has Helped Prevent Death From Cancer

C ancer deaths are down in the US, but overall cases are on the rise A new American Cancer Society report finds that cancer deaths in the US have significantly dropped since the 1990s, with over 4 million deaths averted since 1991. Lung cancer, the most common cause of cancer death, has seen a decline in judgments , incompletely due to reduced smoking rates. still, it remains one of the deadliest cancers, especially for Black men. Webbing and vaccination sweats have effectively reduced judgments and deaths from cervical, colorectal, and bone cancers. But then again, ethnical difference persist, particularly in bone cancer death rates among Black women. Immunotherapy has surfaced as a vital advancement in cancer treatment by stimulating the body’s vulnerable system to fight cancer cells. The report highlights ongoing challenges, including an increase in new cancer cases, incompletely due to growing population and rising rotundity rates. For the first time in history, more effective trea...