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Macro Calculator

Macro Calculator

Welcome to our Macro Calculator! This tool is designed to help you understand your daily macronutrient needs based on your individual profile and activity level. Simply enter your details below and click "Calculate Macros" to get started.

Knowing your macronutrient needs can help you better plan your meals and support your fitness goals, whether you're looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's get calculating!

Macro Calculator


How to Use:

1.   Enter Your Age: Input your current age.

2.   Select Your Gender: Choose your gender from the dropdown menu.

3.   Enter Your Weight: Input your weight in pounds or kilograms (ensure consistency across measurements).

4.   Enter Your Height: Input your height in inches or centimeters (ensure consistency across measurements).

5.   Select Your Activity Level: Choose the option that best represents your daily activity level.

6.   Calculate: Click the "Calculate Macros" button to see your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).

This code provides a simple Macro Calculator that can be directly embedded into a Blogger blog post. It calculates the Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) based on the user's input, which is a starting point for determining macro needs. Remember, for more detailed and personalized macro recommendations, consulting with a healthcare or nutrition professional is advised.




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